Friday, May 31, 2019

That's life, folks!!!!!!

I am reflective on this day...
Always tend to be as I get closer to my birthday.
I found this photo on a Facebook page of a friend and the bells and whistles just kept going off.
Isn't this true?
It covers the full gamut of life and all its messiness, it's beauty, it's grandeur, it's awful dark nature.
But, as it says, you have to keep going...reading every line, filling each moment as fully as possible. 
I firmly believe, as I reflect on my soon to be 47th birthday, that everything was placed there for a divine reason. Every hurdle. Every accomplishment. Every smile. Every heartbreak.
Building us both within and outside of ourselves for a bigger purpose.
And we have to honor that.
I have found stronger patience in my 47 years.
I find that I breathe differently.
I find that I approach things so differently these days than I did in my 20's.
You know, if I was given an opportunity to speak to my 20 year old self, I would say...
Keep on the course you are going.
Keep the fast pace.
Be kinder to yourself on life and love.
Because you are going to reach the tender age of 47 and think...
 that was fast...
but oh so glorious!

And in the words of the immortal

"I don't wanna miss a thing!"

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