Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What's one thing I would tell my mom...

I think there were quite a few tears that flowed from watching this one.
There are so many things that I would (and do) tell my mom...we are just that way.

My mom is my hero.

She is a devoted wife, mom, friend and confidante.
She is driven, confident, and strong...both in will and in passion.
I can honestly say that my mom is my very best friend and has been there for me through thick and thin.

I truthfully would not be half the man I am today without her love and support and shoulder to lean on.
 Her guidance.

Her sacrifices never went by unnoticed.

Her struggle...she gets knocked down and just comes back fighting and I have learned that valuable lesson from her.

She is a goal setter and achieved the heights. She traveled the world and can look back on all of her adventures with great pride and is the prime example of a life WELL lived.

I love you, Mom. 
I know that times are tough right now and you struggle to get better and to allow others to take care of you and to be there for you.

It's ok. 
Now is the time to rest and recoup and rely on those around you to lift you up in prayer for healing and comfort.

Thank you for giving me the passion of living life to its fullest.
Thank you for believing in me even when I did not.
Thank you for loving me unconditionally and for opening my eyes to all the goodness around me.
Thank you for the struggle. Thank you for the sacrifices.
Know that you are forever loved and appreciated.

We are all blessed to know you, to love you, and to call you Mom, Wife, Friend, and confidante.
You have done good!!!

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