Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Thoughtful moment...not so sure...

I share this as it has been on my mind here recently. For those of you out there who watch the Netflix series, "Grace and Frankie" season two had this very story line in there. It was a very powerful couple of episodes and it really hit me hard and got me thinking. I have struggled with this topic because I can see both sides to this issue. 

The basis of the above story is the woman struggled with a debilitating disease in which her doctors had told her the end was near. She decided to throw a party for 30 of her closest friends and family members, all of whom knew the final outcome of this final party together. After the party was over, the woman's doctor administered the death-giving drugs and she stopped the life journey.

On one side...In the end, it is assisted suicide, and I do think that killing oneself is kind of wrong at a core level...the church frowns upon this. The Bible strongly suggests a very different outcome. But we all know, as you are my readers, that I have struggled with the Bible's teachings for most of my life... So why should this subject be any different?

The other side goes more towards the idea of taking control of a situation you know will have the very same outcome. In the end, you are going to die and most times it is drawn out, very painful process at times, and a roller-coaster for you and those around you. 
I think the end can be very beautiful, peaceful, and a celebration. That is how I would want to go out and to be remembered by. 

I think the more I have thought about this topic over the years, the more I feel we cannot live each other's lives and cannot dictate the choices others make. It is their lives to lead and their lives to live as fully and beautifully as they can. We are here to support each other on our own ride and shouldn't tell each other how to live it.

Perhaps this is just one of my childhood upbringings rearing its ugly head and I should look deeper. Am I being stupidly conservative in my thought process to think that this is wrong on some levels? 

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