Wednesday, February 26, 2020

A little daily gratitude...

We must find gratitude in our daily lives.
Sometimes we forget to breathe and shift our focus and find the light in darker times.
Even I forget those times to just breathe...
Gentle reminders...
Gentle reminders...

I am grateful for my students. Their energy keeps me looking forward to coming to class every day!!!! And their passion and zest for speaking their truth and using their voices for change in this world gives me such hope for our futures. Their passion is strong and they have definite vision for the way they want their world to be...and that makes me so happy.

I am grateful for spring. I can feel it coming. I am ready. I am ready to plant my gardens and get outside for yard work and planting. For with this time, comes a freshness of spirit and a breath of fresh air. I can feel it in the air...walked out of the garage this morning and took a deep breath and could feel the rain and dew in each breath and it was invigorating. I am grateful for each moment to start anew and grow.

I am grateful for quiet time. A chance to regroup and calm my mind and heart. It is my sincere hope that some time this week, you find your quiet.

I am grateful for music. I am grateful for the undercurrent it provides in my life and I am grateful to my dad for giving my this amazing gift. It plays such a underscore of my day. I wish I could share with you my soundtrack...Kind of like Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist currently on NBC.
Currently playing on my soundtrack...JAZZ. I wish I could be a jazz singer in some club somewhere. Find myself an accoustic group and just sing...more like SAAAAAANNNNNGGGG. Make music together and just lay back and create smooth music.


That's where my gratitude lays today...
How about yours?
Don't forget to take a few moments and just breathe gratitude into your heart and soul.
It's so important...

Love you guys...
Keep Sojourning on Friends!!!

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