Monday, February 17, 2020


I don't deal with silence very well.
My mind gets going.
I spin things...
Sometimes VERY unfairly.
I am not comfortable in my own silence and perhaps that is very telling.

However, over the past few months, I have really found great value in a yoga program at our local community center. It is called Warm and Restore Yoga and it centers on Yin Yoga. Yin Yoga focuses less on flow and movement and more so on setting a posture and holding it for longer periods of time, allowing your body to stretch and release and grow. Each session always ends with a small amount of time for meditation. I have fallen in love with this time allotted for myself. I am grateful for the opportunity to recoup and regroup and focus my head and heart and body. I love this form and style of yoga.

Over the past year I have also become a fan of podcasts...especially the podcast that motivate and encourage you to personally grow. I hosted a fall conference last September down in Little Rock that was centered on personal growth and professional growth. I created a inspiration packet that included valuable music, mantras, books, and podcasts to find inspiration.These are part of that packet. Feel free to peruse.

 I do not have the rights and royalties to any of these. I just created these pages to provide inspiration to my fellow instructors and colleagues. Perhaps you will find inspiration from them as well??

One thing I noticed from a couple of my USUAL podcasts is that in a two week time frame, they spoke about the power of meditation. They even mentioned the idea that if a concept or topic is brought up into discussion numerous times and from numerous sources, sometimes there has to be a reason. That perhaps we are meant to dig deeper. find why it has been brought into your forefront for you to dig into? is what came into my periphery from two of the same podcasts over a different time frame.

They brought up this idea of a 10 day meditation program called Vipassana. It is an ancient meditation that is still taught today and was taught by Buddha himself in India 2500 years ago. There are sites all over the world that teach these 10-day courses and they are free. You are fully immersed into the meditation program, no phones, no paper to write things down, and they provide you the food and lodging for the experience. They only money they ask for is at the end of the experience as a goodwill donation and to help pay it forward for future friends to experience this form of meditation.

Here is the website link:

Drew Carey mentioned it on his interview with Dax Shepard on Armchair Experts and Rachel Hollis spoke in great detail about it on Rise. They have also, I believe, talked about it quite fully on Good Life Project.

It is just sounds life changing.
It sounds amazing.
It sounds too good to be true.
It sounds awful and daunting and quite possibly a little nerve wracking once you get into it.
I doubt myself as to whether I could actually do it.
And perhaps I need a little more focus placed on actual meditation so that I do not set myself up for failure...

But I am intrigued...
And consider my interest peaked.

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