Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Fear is what stops us.
Why I get out of bed each morning, moving forward.
We have to conquer our fear in order to face life.
Fear saved my life.
Fear has debilitated me, too
Fear brought me to where I am today and for that I am grateful.
I embraced fear and walked alongside of it not allowing it to overpower me but embraced it in order to do amazing adventures...
Mr. Max.
New job opportunities.

Image result for the fear in politics

A creative, successful, well-lived life is when you choose the path of curiosity over fear.

Many feed on our fears.
POLITICS is a STRONG example.
They FEED on the fears of others and force them into submission and it is disgusting.

And yes, I believe that this political landscape is EXACTLY where we are today...
And for that I say...SHAME.

But I also get it. I can see exactly WHY we are where we are today.
He spoke to the common man, who were dissatisfied with the way things were going in Washington, he played to the fears of the under privileged, the hurting,  and told them he would take care of them. He gave the hatred a podium from which to speak and pushed out the folks who spoke against him, supposedly showing strength. All in a land of freedom of speech." He promised he would drain the swamp and then has done nothing but keep filling it up.

We need to find the inner strength to break free of what binds us and move forward. Sometimes that is SO hard. Taking that first step is so difficult.

During the next few months, I encourage all of you to dig deep. I encourage you to look past your 401K and your supposed higher wages..look past the supposed "better economy" and really look at what has occurred in this country and dig deep into your heart to say...can I really support this man? Sure Wall Street has shown great gains...all at a great expense...higher deficit and debt ceiling, a man who blatantly lies to your face...and then goes back and says either I didn't say that or I didn't mean that...when it is all recorded... a man who has forced all of our allies to turn their backs on us and who mock him openly on video, who has promoted hatred at every turn, who has spoken with such vitriol that even our own children cannot repeat what he has said both online and in speeches across our country. The office of the President of the United States is supposed to be the shining example of who we are as a people, and represent us, and yet 45 is nothing but an embarrassment, here and abroad and anything BUT a shining example.

He does NOT represent me. Never has. Never will. I am disgusted where we are today. And I suggest we turn the page somehow. Take a chance on something different.
I support bringing kindness and civility back to the United States and kick hatred to the curb.

And not allow FEAR to motivate us, move us, and hold us where we currently are.
That is my HOPE.
That is what will DRIVE me for the next few months.
Anything BUT fear.

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