Monday, February 24, 2020


September 2001,
The Actor's Studio.
Cohort 9.
We gathered together to share with each other the most powerful belonging in our life. I shared the photo of me in the Badlands. It is my favorite and showcases possibility...the vast spread of beyond and potential.
The leader of our session shared the above poem and it MOVED ME SO MUCH!!!
There are aspects of this that speak to deep within my soul.
It jumps back and speaks to various aspects of the "Anatomy of Trust" that Brene Brown created. Saying you are going to hold yourself an others accountable. That you are going to do what you say you will do to get the work one.
To be there for others who are hurting. For others less fortunate.
Isn't that what we are all about here in this country?
I think this needs to serve as a gentle reminder of this poem. 
We have strayed and allowed a certain political party to push us off the ledge and embrace hatred, indignance, and GET OUT mentality.

It is time to get back into Teddy Roosevelt's "It is not the critic who fails, but the one who is in the fire doing what needs to be done to get the job done"...I paraphrase...but you get the idea.

We have forgotten, and allowed a small amount of people in government, including 45, to force us into allowing hatred as common place, and acts of crime as common place, and all of the aspects our forefathers placed into the Constitution to become a wasted piece of paper as okay.

It speaks volumes when you award a HUGE medal of honor to a man who is basically a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, this highest civilian medal...turning it into nothing but metal.

It is time to come back to a modem of "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." 
And we must figure out how to make sure we come back to ALL are welcome to the table. 
ALL are welcome to find their voice. 
ALL are welcome...
no WALLS...
just tables.

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