Monday, November 22, 2021

What would it take to make this a world I want to live in?

I know folks look at me like Pollyanna. I know that folks he for real? How can he focus on kindness and goodwill and always think the best of people?

And I know that folks sometimes misinterpret my kindness as weakness. And that is unfortunate for them.

Unfortunately, I have had moments recently when I have had to readjust. The old Maya Angelou adage, "When someone shows you who they truly are, believe them the first time." BOY HOWDY, if only I would listen, it would save me so much hurt and angst. 

A dear friend told me, "B, you lead with your heart. That is what pulls folks into you as a person." I just have to figure out how to continue to do that, but also incorporate that adage into the mix as well. And not give second and third or fourth chances. I have to protect my heart and those around me.

It is possible to be kind to others. 

It is possible to meet folks with a big ole smile.

It is possible to have opposing views and take the time to listen to others...if they are willing to listen to yours as well...and decide that this could be a deal breaker. OR we are able to move forward and just not talk about those aspect.

It is possible to change your world and to continue to evolve and grow and learn and love.

I will always smile and be the best I can possibly be. 

I will learn to limit my expectations of others because that's when I get let down in the end, some of the time. And that's ok. They aren't ready for a guy like me.

There it is...I think the world isn't ready for embracing change for good because change is scary. We settle for the status quo all the while thinking NOW it will get fixed...but we settle in and nothing happens. We settle for the status quo. 

My husband said to me the other night...the United States isn't ready for a gay President or a female President...and you know what? I tend to believe him because we Americans cannot face change that is scary. Case in point, we are tearing Kamala and Pete apart and creating all this angst and division so that folks won't shake it up "too" much. And that's when we get complacent and idle and we just move forward with all of the "same" because we don't want to be uncomfortable.

But you know what? Sometimes it takes shaking up the ground a bit and getting a little uncomfortable to make things shift towards change.

And that's a world I would like to live in. Embracing others' views by truly listening. Not treating every other person like the enemy. Leading with your heart and kindness. Speaking your mind when you have been wronged and learning lessons from past mistakes. Forgiving but not forgetting. And blooming where you are planted. Actually blooming...not being a bulb that has been planted and never grows.

Is that too much to ask?

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