Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A new concept...a new thought process

Kindness is king!
I mean come on...can you imagine what this world would be like if we just took the time to be kinder?
If we just took the time to figure out all of the ways to make someone else feel more beautiful?
More special?
All it takes, I think, is a little pause in your day and a reminder to "Slow down and breathe" when the pace picks up. When you are feeling the stress kick in and the pressure begin to build...a quick reminder...breathe. Just breathe. Just take in one deep breath to your very core..." The face the problem, the higher blood pressure with a new set of outlooks.
This world is so apt to test your boundaries. And I have heard it said that there is nothing good going on in the world right now and that it is in fact kinda scary. I would tend to agree with that statement.
Can you imagine if everybody just took a breath before bombing?
Facing adversity with a brighter set of eyes?

Reach out to someone you have not talked to in a long time.
Open the door for someone.
Buy your special someone flowers or make them dinner.

Do SOMETHING to propel kindness in this world. It will bring you a whole new, fresher outlook on the day.

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