Wednesday, August 6, 2014

An old soul in a child's body

We have heard it said that many young people are so intuitive. That they definitely have "old souls" and that they are wise beyond their years. I think each of us have met these young spirits of energy who then turn and open their mouths, outpouring such knowledge and wisdom and strength when we couldn't maybe see it ourselves? And you mind is blown!!

Call it a gift from it it youthful strength and understanding...even beyond their years.

Here's is where you might want to get the tissues handy...

This has been a summer of death for me, my family, and loved ones. Oddly, death has defined the summer of 2014 for me. With the passing of a high school friend and confidante in June to the waiting one family goes through with hospice and cancer as the inevitable end approaches. Four deaths in one summer is TOO MUCH!!! It just comes at you from many levels. It just seems so dark...and ominous...and filled with sadness.

However, if you look close enough, there are moments of light. Those "lightness of being" moments where you can feel God there saying, "Celebrate their life. Appreciate those around you and learn from your loved one's example."

My uncle's funeral was no exception. Now you have to picture this...on both sides of my family we are of strong Norwegian and Swedish decent. There is no hope of escaping the "toe-head blonde blonde blonde hair and blue eyes." Fair skin and BLONDE HAIR!!!!


See what I mean?

Well in our family, we have this beautiful little "lightness of being" who is a source of never-ending joy!! His name is Nate and Nate loves playing with cars, and exploring, and loves his little sister. Yet during the sadness that surrounded his great-grandpa's funeral (my uncle), Nate just seemed to understand that folks around him were sad, that they needed a hug, or that they just needed to play more with his toys. He is a four year old, after all with blonde blonde blonde hair and the bluest of eyes. This young man is wise beyond his years and could be the very "old soul" I described earlier.

Three moments stand out to me during this time period about Nate I will use as examples.
#1: His daddy had come in late for the visitation service. He LOVES his daddy. Wayne relayed a story of how Nate was trying to comfort those around him in Uncle Don's hospital room. When they turned off the machines and Don slipped away, obviously the family was sad and weeping and the room was heavy. Wayne said that Nate just calmly stated to those around him, "It's ok, Mommy, don't cry. Grandpa Don is on his way to heaven now."

#2: During the funeral, Nate wanted to help out or just be near his daddy. Wayne was to read scripture during the service and Nate wanted to be up there with him. Now we all have the stigma of caskets...whether they are open or closed. Wayne stood by the casket and began to read the scriptures selected for the service. Nate just walked right up there and grabbed hold of his daddy's hand and stood there next to Don's casket. Almost as if to say, "You got this, Daddy, I am here to help you through this." Was a beautiful moment...

#3 Graveside, true to Nate's helpful form, he wanted to be near and help his Daddy. Wayne was one of pallbearers. Nate walked over with Wayne and just grabbed hold of the front of the casket. As the men were carrying the casket to its final resting place, Nate announces, "Is that the hole where were are putting Grandpa Don." We all chuckled, of course, and Wayne assured him that yes buddy that was where they were taking the casket.
At the end of the service, Nate had a heart-shaped Mylar balloon with "I love You" written on it. Attached to the ribbon, Nate had attached a note card with his name and a "letter" to it. Earlier in the day, he had found a perfect Monarch butterfly around Don and Doris' home that he had taped to the back of the card. The service ended, the Lord's Prayer was said, and then his Mommy bent down and whispered for Nate to let the balloon go. It floated up into the air and sailed up into the clouds. His mommy then told us, "Nate just wanted to make sure that the first piece of mail Grandpa Don got up in heaven was from him." Fitting that Grandpa Don was a mail carrier for most of his life.

So you see...its moments like this that make hardship and sadness bearable and lighter. For you can truly feel God's hand in those moments...amongst the tears comes laughter and smiles.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this! It's so true about kids! It's why I teach pre-k (or rather, perhaps they teach me!) Love you Brandon! Keep sharing your stories! They make my day!!!