Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ding Ding...

So years ago, I created a one man evening cabaret show centered around my life up and to that point. It included a large number of monologues written around various topics.
One of the monologues showcased was a game show called "Catching the Clue Train to Coming out." and was centered on the whole idea of how surely family members must have known as I was growing up that surely this boy was not of the masculine persuasion...HA HA HA HA HA!!!
 Lord knows I was not the hunting, fishing, gathering type...well maybe gathering various crafty materials to create lovely home décor and beauty. DING DING.
I included many photographs from my past and had witty things to say about each of these pics.
Some have even made it onto this blog...HA! HA! HA! HA!

I fondly remember visiting my Grandma Holm during the summer and trying on her jewelry and going outside and waving to passersby. DING DING.
Or I shared the story during the cabaret of going into my Mom's closet and trying on her prairie woman dress that looked straight out of the 80's and pretending I was Karen Carpenter lip-syncing my favorite Carpenter tunes in the living room with my babysitter, who was forced to be Richard Carpenter...DING DING!!!
I laughed so hard this eve as I encountered the same form of event on one of my favorite radio talk shows on satellite radio. I always listen to "Derek and Romaine" on Sirius XM radio. They are HIGHLARIOUS!!!!!! Well they had a section called "Bitch Back" with the very same question...looking back on your childhood, were there clues that should have been AH HA moments for family and friends that you were gay...two of the most funny callers were these...
One was a guy calling in talking about being put into baseball or softball or T ball or something like that...and remembers being out in right field and rehearsing his tap routines. HA HA HA HA HA.
And then another caller called in and made the comment that his father had put him in T-ball and all he wanted was to be a figure skater/roller skater. His teacher asked him to bring in a talent for the up coming talent show and he had these detachable speakers which he placed on each of his hips. He put on his roller skates and rollerskated to his favorite song, "Tainted Love"
 I just cannot even go on....


Unknown said...

I am laughing uncontrollably! I thought that I was very good at being a "gay picker outer" but I never picked up on the DING DING!! But then I never knew about the dress until years later. Son, I wouldn't have you any other way. I am so proud of the man that you have become. Love you much.

Unknown said...

I remember the cabaret that you did at the Max in Omaha. I laughed until my sides hurt.