Saturday, August 9, 2014

It's those moments...

...that make your heart melt.

This is our newest member of the family, Beckett Ford. He is three months old and yesterday he and his guncle had a wonderful moments together. With large families, it certainly is difficult to find these moments as many folks want to hold him, and meet him, and love on him. So, you can see, I try to take these moments as they come.
This week is the week I am back in my classroom, getting everything cleaned, copied, and readied for the beginning of school. I try to start early. Next week will be those long awaited meetings and "really interesting" professional development sessions that we all look forward to. It is always such a hectic time that I decided if I could get in and get my work done ahead of time, I would be much better on focus and more relaxed when the "report to school" time rolls around. I decided to take a break and head up to see Dad and he asked if I wanted to go to lunch. This doesn't happen as much as I would like and so I jumped at the opportunity.
We got to the house to pick up my nephew Blaine Garrett and found Sadie trying to get Beckett settled down for his nap. I got to hold him for a few moments while she prepared a bottle. We had a rockin' time while we waited for the bottle to arrive. Most babies get a little fussy with facial hair. Beckett was no different. He was fussy, and moving, and not happy upon first arrival to my arms but once I started lightly bouncing and cooing, he settled down and began to just look around. It was nice.
Then Dad, Blaine, and I had lunch and then came back to the house. We rounded the corner and there was Sadie and Beckett hanging out in the kitchen. (You can see that Beckett was not having this whole nap thing.) Dad went to change clothes and I pulled up a chair and began to have a chat with my three month old nephew. While bouncing him in his bouncy chair and cooing and whispering to him, he began to smile, and giggle, and laugh, and coo back. He would look at me and I would smile down at him and he would smile back...It was AWESOME!!!!!! I tried to get a video of it but to no avail...hilariously so...he would focus on the phone camera and then would get this look on his face like, "No Paparazzi. Just you and me bud." I loved it. But I did get some photos and then Sadie took a photo of our moment.
It was terrific and I loved every minute of it. The hectic schedule and the long list of what I "needed to do" just melted away and nothing became more important than those moments I shared with my nephews

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