Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Here is the next number from the "18 Ways You're Making Your Life Harder Than it has to Be."
I am telling you, if you have not visited this website, you need to. The Mind Unleashed really makes you think...and its entertaining.


#2 on this list speaks to me on a deeper level...and it truly ties in with number one. I think we can all relate to this list on many different levels...some more than others but still...

#2 states: "You let others make you feel guilty for living your life. – As long as you’re not hurting anyone else, keep living your life YOUR way.  Sometimes we get lost in trying to live for someone else, trying to meet their expectations, and doing things just to impress them.  Take a moment and think about it.  Are you doing things because you truly believe in them?  Remember your own goals.  Live, do and love so that you are happy, because when it comes down to it, relationships can end in an instant, but you will live with yourself for the rest of your life."

How true! We have but one life, folks. Why would you not live it to the very fullest. I spent too many years living my life for others...thinking that somehow if I did not live it this way or that way, that I would disappoint someone or that I would make someone angry or that I wouldn't live up to the expectations someone may or may not have in regards to my life.

Here what I have learned...WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF???

You cannot live your life for your parents or grandparents. You cannot live your life for your boyfriend or girlfriend. You cannot live your life for your fraternity or sorority. For you see, dear reader, the key words in these statements are "YOUR LIFE".

It's not selfish. It is true fact. God brought you into this world to be a beacon, to live it to the very fullest and to be true to the goals you have set for your own journey.

Do something that you can be proud of.
Create beauty where you plant yourself.
Work at something you truly love.

Why would you live your life where you are miserable? What good is that?

Carry on, fellow sojourners.

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