Monday, August 18, 2014


30 Death-Defying Photos That Will Make Your Heart Skip A Beat

The above is a photo from a section entitled "30 death-defying photos". You should check them out here...

And it is true...your heart does skip a beat with each one of these photos...a few on my own bucket list...some you just look at it and shake your head thinking, "That is absolutely CRAZY!!! What would go through your mind as you are attempting to get to this point and then set up that wall tent...get into that kayak...the ADRENALINE!!!!"

I have had my own moments in nature and KNOW the feeling of closeness to that Higher Power one feels while being out there...I have blogged about it numerous times. But there was always a sense of safety when doing these climbs...these photos...not so much. These are CRAZY!!!!!

But you also cannot look at these photos and not experience a sense of awe. Of crisp breath. Of thinking, "How inspiring and glorious and breath-taking and mind-blowing." An occurrence you would never be able to recreate once your have experienced it for the first time.

30 Death-Defying Photos That Will Make Your Heart Skip A Beat Versus  

It's so easy to take a selfie...but there is a strong sense of adrenaline and rush getting out there for that perfect photo...

And I just don't think I am strong enough or crazy enough to take THAT step...

But they sure are BEAUTIFUL photos!!!

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