Thursday, July 7, 2011

We leave Paris...

We left Paris after a four day whirlwind extravaganza of sight-seeing, tasting the foods of the city, experiencing the side streets with all of their lovely shops and candy stores... Paris was an overwhelming experience. Too much so at times. Too little time to truly take it all in...45 minutes at Notre Dame...3 hours at the Louvre...2 hours at the Eiffel tower...lost in downtown Paris in the middle of the night trying to get back to the outskirts of Paris where our hotel was and NO ONE spoke a lick of English to fully understand us...

I am not quite sure that I want to go back to experience more? If you can grasp it, please tell me why, as I cannot fully put my finger on it. Not sure I want to go back to the rat-race of that is definitely old and filled with amazing sights, filled with a rich history and gold-guilded monuments. But the more I have thought about it, the more I disliked about the city. It was that overwhelming realization, while standing in amongst all the people in McDonalds or getting separated from the tour group during the Music Festival downtown, that maybe I am mildly claustophobic...that feeling of wall -to-wall people that just plain makes me tense... I do not like that feeling. I found that feeling once again in Madrid...And had experienced that feeling walking down the streets of NYC when I lived there and was about to leave...

I must honestly be in touch with that feeling, maybe, and not allow myself to be placed in those types of situations? Who knows...I can function, don't get me wrong, but I do not like it...

I need air to breathe...

I need the feeling of being able to move around some...

I can work through the electricity of it all but I also feel like the idea of Paris...the "romance" of it all...and not being there with Justin to experience it...maybe that is why it did not settle well with me...

I just don't know...

It was definitely wonderful to get on that overnight train with the kids and the folks and Liz and felt truly safe and filled with great expectations about what the next day would bring me...


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