Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A Light in the darkness...

While watching the CBS Saturday Morning show, they had a segment on their broadcast talking about a light festival being held in the UK call "Lumiere". It started in 2009 in Durham and eventually moved to London as the years progressed. Their first London experience included high-quality projections on the face of the Westminster Abbey and images were absolutely inspiring.

Digging a little deeper, this festival was created to be held during the winter months, significantly the darkest months of our seasonal year. And what a wonderful way to find light in the darkest months than to celebrate light, and movement, and breath-taking illumination of public spaces.
So many cities are moving into this amazing artistic expression of their highest qualities of city life, their outdoor parks and architectural splendors, reminding us of the creativity of the human spirit. Taking it all to that next level and creating ART with technology, with light, with brightness of being...and I am just in AWE.
A couple of days ago I found a presentation of light and projection placed inside of the Notre-Dame of Montreal Cathedral. Oh my GOODNESS, I felt like I was watching a different version of Beauty and the Beast and kept thinking, "How amazing, beautiful, and inspiring." I have included a video here that drew me in...

Definitely would add either one of these experiences to my bucket list. To experience either one of these in person would be spectacular.

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