Friday, January 26, 2018

The most important lesson I have learned.

It is important to reflect back on your life at times and remind yourself of all the wonderful lessons this life has taught you.
The people who have crossed your path.
The mentors you have sat with, drank coffee with, and shared your life with.
Think about the important life lessons we have all learned...
What I love about this video series is that it comes from ALL age ranges...
We learn different lessons at different ages...and all of it is important...

Here are a few I loved...
Even if it hurts, you have to be honest.

No one is thinking about you as much as you think they are.

Not to get so overwhelmed. Not to stress.
It is very unhealthy to hang on to things that are bothering you.

Forgiveness is the most important thing you can do. No matter what they have done, FORGIVE, so that you don't hold onto that regret or hatred.

Accept everyone, where they are, for who they are. Starting with yourself.
Don't hate yourself.

If you are not learning, you are dying.

Listen to your heart. Put it into everything you do.

Invest in yourself.
You gotta be who you yourself so you can love others.

Be present.
Living in the now.

What are the important life lessons you have learned in your life?

I have tended to put a lot of mine on this very blog, sharing them with each of you.
Every once in awhile, I think it is important to regroup and reconnect with these lessons you have learned or wished you had learned sooner. A proverbial, "If I could tell my younger self" type of thought process.

If I knew then, what I know now...
But then it would not be living and learning would it?

I look back on all I have experienced in my life, the friends I have made along this journey, the wonderful adventures, the heartaches, the painful conclusions, the exciting celebrations of all things good and true and I just think, WOW. I would not change ONE thing about that journey. I am where I am today for a particular reason. And I must share what I have learned with my kiddos. My friends. My family. 

And I am so grateful for this journey.
So incredibly blessed to be here.
At this Moment.
And able to share it with all of you.

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