Saturday, January 6, 2018

The power of family

Families these days come in many shapes and sizes. There are so many people in our lives we consider family, even if we are not blood related. Love makes us family.
Heart makes us family.
Showing up when someone needs you.
Being there when you need it most makes each of us family.

Sharing love for one another.
Love and adventures together.
Finding moments to get away.
To be together.
Just the two of us.
Gathering together to document special moments each of us want to remember. Sharing food and fellowship and time together. Creating memories we will carry with us forever.

Gathering around and enjoying moments together...even during the difficult times. And finding a smile we can all share.

Taking notice of the smallest detail, noticing the beauty of it, and being in awe of that,,,

the smiles...

Sharing anniversaries.
Sharing new food in a new town and taking in the sites.

Sharing laughter.
Sharing a roadtrip to support another family member.
Being together and doing something you each enjoy.
Supporting each other through the rough times.
Loving on each other during the celebrations and just those times together.
Be present in each moment

Recognizing that little ones grow up...
sometimes way to fast...
and recognizing that you can't hold them down...
But have to prepare them to fly.

To the friendships that have stood the test of time and remaining connected.
Enjoying the moments together and valuing the memories we've shared.
Crying together.
Laughing together.
Being together.
All important.
The opportunity to come together.
Change each other's lives.

To create memories that will endure a lifetime.
To celebrate the joyous moments

To hug it out.
And be grateful for those hugs.
Cause you just never know...

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