Tuesday, January 30, 2018

A struggle with the idea of masculinity...

AH more about masculinity...
What does it mean to be a man?

I have struggled with this topic for years and years and to be honest I still do.

It is so true that men these days are under a microscope.
For their actions towards women.
Their actions towards other men.
And they completely should be.
Some men just don't get it.
They think they can get away with treating women, and gay men, with a sense of disdain. Or treat women as potential conquests.
Whether there is no or not.
And these men try to showcase bravada and swagger and are taught from an early age that this is what you have to be to be considered a man...


But nowadays...
Things are thankfully changing and men are being held accountable for their actions.
My hope is that we will see a huge shift fom our younger generations in how they treat their fellow human beings.
But these men give others a BAD NAME!!!

I think it is time for focus to be placed on redefining what the definition of masculinity truly is.
I think it is okay for men to show emotion.
I think it is okay to let down your guard.
I think it is okay to let women take the reigns and lead.
I think it is important to be honest.
Be a Listener and be open to others.
Be Present and Show your sensitive side.
And to think before you act.

"Empathy is hardest for those in power"
Just look at how male members of Congress have treated women this past year.
Not open to their thought processes.
RUDE and DISMISSIVE to what their fellow Congresswomen have to say.
Shutting them down.
Not letting them speak and have a say.
Not inviting or allowing them to the table to make decisions that relate to their own gender
And it goes on and on.

And it will come back to bite them.
I predict an explosion of women running and succeeding for entrance into Congress not only this fall but in the years ahead.
A shift is coming.
And I could not be more happy to see it evolve.
I welcome it.

Lessons will be learned.
They need to be learned quickly.

I think it is time to figure out what exactly is our "BEST SELF"
Learn to be honest.
Learn to be a listener to what others have to say.
And break down these walls of what it means to be

Why not just think of each of us as human.
With all a place at the table.
With all of us having an important thing to say.
And for all of us to listen,
Would our world be so much more different this way?

one can always dream...

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