Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The disappearing thank you note...

I am a huge cheerleader for the thank-you note.
Always have been.

And it seems to be a dwindling art form of showing appreciation, making way for the thank-you text, or the thank-you email, or the thank-you phone call.

And it is making me feel old.

We are currently in a world where we are tied to our laptops, adhered to our cell phones and texting with a fury. We are locked into our technology and forgetting that there is a world outside of the dang cellphone or Twitter account. 
Gratitude should not be allowed to be locked in to a certain amount of characters...
I could go on and on about the lessening and weakening of communication in our world because of technology.
But I think we should make a change.

I think it is something that should come back and experience a resurgence.
I think it is important to express gratitude in a way that will last, withstanding the test of time.
You cannot look back over a text years down the road and have that moment of memory wash over you....of a job well done, of a moment when you wanted to say "you appreciated a gift'" or "a kind gesture."

Each one of the newest ways to spread technological gratitude is very separating, very non-committal, very impersonal on so many levels and it is truthfully very depressing.

However, when you receive a hand-written letter of gratitude on a special card, or paper, it shows time and effort, and heart, 
and great thought. 
It is special.
It is important.
It is something special and can be cherished forever.

I challenge each of you to take a moment, buy yourself a packet of special thank-you notes and send one today! 
Send one to someone who has done something nice for you. 
Send one to someone who has made an impact on your life. 
Send one just to say "thank you for being there when I needed you."
Show some good ole fashioned gratitude today.
It will make someone's day.
It will make your day.
And you will be better for it.

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