Saturday, January 20, 2018

Equality: what it means to me

Let's face it...

Many in this country are not equal.
Many in this country attempt to squelch equality under the name of GOD, 
in the name of POWER, 
in the name of BULLYING, 
in the name of keeping everybody else under a thumb
to get ahead.
To keep people "in their place"

 Many folks have to fight for a place at the table.
And in today's environment
with every journey this country has taken...
I just don't understand WHY

Why are we still here?
Why are we still having to fight?
Why are we still having to stand up to those who are trying to control the truth of life.
Truth of being human.
At it's very core.

When the forefathers place in the divine documents of our country, "That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." I expect that that is how it is going to be. That is how life is meant to be lead...

And nowadays there appears to be exceptions...
Except for you, because of this.
Except for you, because of that...


With RIGHTS from GOD, or ALLAH, or whatever divine presence you believe in.
And those rights are the following...
LIFE...the right to live our lives the way we choose.
LIBERTY...being free to pursue said life free from oppression, free from restrictions imposed by others in power of one's right to a way of life, behavior, or political views.

That is EQUALITY to me.

Now how do we get there???
By speaking out.
By having difficult conversations.
By saying NO.
By holding up a mirror to racism, to bigotry, to indifference, and saying 

And that would be just the beginning...

More to come, my fellow sojourners...
More to come.

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