Sunday, January 14, 2018

I bet you didn't know...

16 interesting facts about the ole BBH

1. My middle name is Douglas. The very same middle name as my Dad. The same name as my godfather. The same name as my step-mom's dog...and I try not to be offended.

2. I look back at my childhood and can see a through line where I knew I was gay. I did not come out until 1993 when I finally addressed the elephant in the room and faced my truth. But there were signs very  early on.

3. Wrote a pretty funny monologue/game show called "Catching the Clue Train to Coming Out"...poking fun at all the clues present in my childhood via extra large photos showcasing all the clues that were always there...

4. I am fiercely loyal to my friends and family.  I try so very hard to stay connected to my friends.

5. I am sad that I have friends that I have not kept in touch with and I worry about that...wondering what happened...and chalk it up to life and different journeys...but it still saddens me.

6. I believe in ghosts and their presence in our lives.

7. I believe in psychics and their connection to the other side. I can't explain it but know that there has to be some sort of connection.

8. I try to be kind to all people.

9. I am fearful of this world. I am afraid of living in this world and all that potential for destruction out there.  But with that in mind, I also try to counteract those feelings of fear with lightness and kindness and try to not get overwhelmed by things out of my control...focus on what I can and not get overwhelmed.

10. I have quickly become a huge fan of the Great British Baking Show. So good. So yummy.

11. I am extremely nostalgic. My thoughts wander into the past, wanting so much to go back and relive moments of my life that were amazing.

12. It was always difficult for me to be proud of my accomplishments in my life...I have had to grow into this...finding that happy medium between honoring accomplishments I am proud of, maintaining a sense of humble humility as well.

13. As exhausting as it is, I still love teaching and feel much more settled in...even though there are times when I feel like I am barely hanging in there.

14. I have not found the happy medium between working hard, trying to maintain my schedule and making sure my personal home life doesn't get faulted. And sadly, my loved ones pay the price. Thank GOD they still love me and humor me and remind me and remind me and remind me. And stay...for that I am grateful.

15. I am a creature of habit. If I find something I like, I stick with it. I am not very adventurous when it comes to various choices, drink choices,  out of the comfort zone adventures...and I am trying to be better...try new things...have new adventures....

16. If there is a wig anywhere goes on my head. The goofier I appear the better at times...

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