Thursday, January 25, 2018


"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

I am always trying to teach my kiddos about perceptions and how we have little to no control over how people first perceive us. ZERO ability to control that...first impressions are always important.
It is that zero control that we always have to be cognizant of...

I think some people perceive me as always happy and energetic. Truth is we all have our moments where we just can't do it. We just have to stop and out down the show curtain. We are not always going to be at our very best. We are not always going to be happy and we really don't know what the other is struggling with.

I do, however, always TRY to put my best foot forward.

I think some people think I am extremely approachable and friendly. That definitely is the vibe I put out there. Here's the dealio however...if I am in a large group and you are the only one with me, I will stick to you like glue. I am extremely uncomfortable in large group situations where I do not know any one and at times making small talk is just so painful for me.

Believe me, I know when I need to turn on the energy and charisma and be "ON" but sometimes that can be perceived as fake or too over the top or too much. It is those quiet moments when I am uncomfortable, or awkward, or in a situation that I am not the most adept at navigating through where I am immediately perceived as (excuse my French) a bitch and stuck up.

This may shock some folks, but when I do not know you, I am not the type of person who will go up and introduce myself and start light conversation. It is kinda painful to very uncomfortable.

I am horrible with remembering names. I can ALWAYS remember a face...but to introduce someone to another...YIKES...Justin zings me all the time on this one!!!

Sometimes it is difficult for me to make eye contact. Especially with men. I do not perceive myself as strong and masculine and am not aggressive in the least.
I am not the cocky type.
I am not the sporty type.
And I struggle to work on this, be thoughtful about this, and know that it is an area I need to be better at.

And I know we ALL have various insecurities.
When the woman said, "How to we learn to balance learning what people tell us to become better people and staying true to who we really are?" My MIND was BLOWN!!!

Yes there are times when we allow other's perceptions of us lead the way, overtake us and drive us. We cannot do this. We have to figure out what we are about and put THAT out there. I think it is important this idea of consistently doing a personal check-in and figuring out how to become constantly better. I love this. I think this is so valuable.

"A conscious way to live and a beautiful way to grow"

I wrote.
And Wrote.
And Wrote...
When I could not say it out loud myself...have the backbone to say it out loud.

And all I can think of is YES.

I will continue to write. And tell me story. And strive to be better.

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